5 Common Signs of Pool Leaks You Should Never Ignore

Published on
October 24, 2023
Cracks in swimming pool edge

Detecting and Addressing Unwanted Pool Leakages

Owning a swimming pool can be a source of joy and recreation, but it also comes with its own set of responsibilities. One of the issues pool owners may face is leakage. Pool leaks can lead to a slew of problems if left unchecked. Let's delve into the five most common signs of pool leaks that you should be on the lookout for.

Rapid Water Level Drop

A slight drop in water level is normal due to evaporation, especially during hot summer days. However, if you notice that you're frequently refilling your pool or the water level drops dramatically within a short span, it could be a clear indication of a leak. Learn how to detect a pool leak using a dye test here.

Wet Spots Around the Pool:

If you're constantly noticing wet patches or soggy areas in the grass or deck around your pool, and it hasn't rained recently, then it's a cause for concern. Such spots suggest that water is escaping from somewhere it shouldn't be. Discover the environmental impact of unchecked pool leaks here.

Cracks in the Pool's Surface:

Cracks or fractures on the surface of your pool, be it in the tiles, plaster, or vinyl liner, can be a gateway for water leakage. Even small, hairline cracks can let out a significant amount of water over time. Read about the critical role of pool leak detection to spot these issues early.

Increased Water Bills:

An unexplained rise in your water bills might mean you're using more water to compensate for the loss caused by a leak. If there haven't been any significant changes in your water usage patterns, a leaking pool might be the culprit. Get professional help for pool leak detection in Corpus Christi, TX here.

Air Bubbles in Pool Returns:

If you notice air bubbles coming out of the return jets when the pool pump is running, it suggests that there might be a leak in the suction side of your pool's circulation system. This means water is escaping and air is getting sucked in its place. Check out our pool care FAQs for more insights.


Always consult with a pool professional if you suspect a leak. Addressing the issue sooner can save you time, money, and potential damage to your property. Reach out to us for all your pool care needs.

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Jake McGarry
Pool Expert, Pool RX LLC

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Concerned about leaks or the overall health of your pool? Pool RX LLC is your trusted partner for comprehensive leak detection and pool inspection. Our expert team utilizes advanced technology to identify and address issues efficiently, ensuring your pool remains a sanctuary of relaxation and enjoyment. Schedule your service today and swim with confidence, knowing every drop is where it should be.

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